Monday, October 22, 2007

Thoughts on Freelancing/Working from Home

Let me just get it right out in the open. The biggest hurdle I've found to being self-employed/working from home is that people in general think that just because you're home you're not working. Not true my friends! In fact, it's the exact opposite. Between working with Adrian, doing freelance work, managing my Avon business and normal, taking care of a newborn and a 5 year old, and just everyday work with the family and house, I don't remember ever being so busy. I may go to bed at 9:00 p.m. , but I don't fall fast asleep. I take a "nap" until 12:00 for a feeding. Then another nap until 3:00, and then if I'm lucky another one until 6:00 or so. Then my day begins.
The difference now is I choose how much I want to work, when I want to work, etc. So if I want to chaperone a preschool field trip, or have a sick child, or want to go visit family, I don't feel as guilty as I did when I worked a traditional job. I know I have to answer ultimately to people I have contracts with but I have more freedom and flexibility to work as I want to work. I decide when I work and how much I want/need to work. It's working out for me and my family and I'm loving it!

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